About Us
Prof. Dr. Feyzi BATUR
He was born in 1942, in Kayseri, Bünyan. He was raised in an academic family, with a Mudarris(Professor) grandfather in Fatih Madrasah and a lecturer father. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Kayseri High School. He studied in Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine between 1960 and 1964.
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Prof. Dr. Yusuf Burak BATUR
Associate Prof. Dr. Yusuf Burak Batur was born in 1973 at Istanbul, Turkey. He has Lycee degree at Feyzi Mektepleri Vakfı Işık High School and he was graduated in 1991. He had Bachelor degree at İstanbul University Dentistry Department and graduated in 1996.
Since 1994 he has been active as a dentist in the family dental clinique at Nişantaşı, İstanbul.
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You can call our front desk at +90 212 232 36 36 Mon – Fri 12:00 – 20:00, email us at burakbatur@btrclinic.com or fill the Contact Form